
God Is Light

God Is Light

God is light, 1 John 1:5 because God Himself is a part of the system that is used to provide light to the whole universe. Not only did God create light (Genesis 1:3) but He also is light as given in 1 John 1:5.

Many people don’t think of God Himself as light, they think of God as some being sitting on a throne somewhere in the Heaven and managing things with His great power and might.

However, they fail to understand that God doesn’t do things as they imagine because God’s style of doing things is beyond human imagination and understanding. In the book of Ezekiel, chapter 37 it is given how God through His awesome power made the bones to come to life. These bones have been lying there for a very long time which means that these bones were of people who died long time ago. But God wanted to show His might through His Prophet Ezekiel and brought those bones to life through God’s way of doing things.

Many people would think what is the use of God bringing back to life people who are long dead? What did God want to prove by giving life to numerous people at the same time? Therefore, God’s ways are mysterious, (Ecclesiastes 11:5 ) and no one can understand God through their small way of thinking which is limited in time, space and boundaries.

God Created Light To Make It Different From Darkness

In the beginning there was no light on earth and darkness filled the whole earth, Genesis 1:2 which means that earth was completely filled in darkness and it was lifeless and quiet. But when the Spirit of God moved over the waters, Genesis 1:2 there was a shift in the atmosphere because God is a being with power, Psalms 62:11 and when power moves over anything it causes a change in the grain of the element of the substance. So when God’s Spirit moved over the waters it caused a change in the structure of water causing it to have power to give life to anything that is living. Thus we can see that God’s power gives life to something that is lifeless.

God gives power to form life
God gives power to form life

Let us see what happens when there is no life, When there is no life things don’t move in any level causing static things to remain static forever and this will make things lifeless. In order to provide life to a static thing it must need to be revived at the atomic level and that’s what God did when His Spirit hovered over the waters that were moving and static atoms in water came to life and now that water was useful for life.

However, the earth was still in darkness even though the waters were still with energy of life provided by God. Then God commanded that ” let there be light.” in Genesis 1:3 and suddenly the whole earth was filled with light. Now the question is ,‘How can there be light when the sun has not been yet formed?’ This means that in the beginning God Himself had light within Him to give light to the whole earth. Therefore, God is light.

This statement will come as a surprise to many because they think that the source of light is the sun, moon and the stars but according to Genesis 1:14-18 God made the sun after He separated light from darkness (Genesis 1:4). Therefore, God can create things as per His plans which means that light was there on earth before the creation of the sun, moon and the stars. In conclusion, God is light.

Now since the earth was filled with light it had to be made in a way that would help to differentiate between different times of the periods alignment with the different needs of living things that God was planning to make. Thus darkness was also needed to sustain life as some organisms need darkness to survive, for example, the bird that flies during the day needs to take rest in darkness because their eyes can’t adjust to the light to be able to rest and will die if they don’t get rest at all. Therefore, God separated light from darkness.

God Created Life Forms

God created life forms so that the life forms would make the earth a beautiful place because earlier the earth was dark, void and lifeless, Genesis 1:2 . Thus to make earth lively and beautiful God started to form life on earth.

First, God created light. Then He separated the light from Genesis 1:4, and formed clouds in the sky by separating the water into two containers, Genesis 1: 6-8. One container formed the sea while the other the clouds. Later on, God started to develop things in the ocean like the different living things including the fishes and the mammals, Genesis 1 20-21. Gradually, the ocean got filled up with the organisms that were of different types like the plants that grow in water, the sea creatures which range from very small size to humongous ones.

Thus God made things that made earth beautiful both outside the waters and inside the waters. Outside the waters He made the land by separating it from the sea, Genesis 1: 9-10. Here He made trees, land animals, birds and humans. He also made the sun, moon and stars to help the living things to know the seasons. Thus earth became a livable place to inhabit.

Beauty Of Earth Was Determined By God

Beauty according to God is different than human perspective.

Humans are only capable of looking on the outside of a person not inside so how can they fully know and thus judge a person?

Since humans are incapable of completely knowing a person so they have made certain standards to measure beauty. For example, they will portray a person as good looking by saying that their certain features make them beautiful which then causes other people to copy it.

People fail to understand that every human being is beautiful because God made each and every human being beautiful, wonderful and intricate, Psalms 139:14 which means that every human being comes with his own beauty because he is made that way by God.

When we see the history of mankind we see that man was always fascinated by beauty and so he drew the pictures of whatever caught his attention. So like God man also liked to create beauty.

Consequently, it became apparent that man can also create things like God but it was not possible to give life to the object by man.

Eventually, man created light from the metallic things that are found on the earth but that light has many limitations though it is extremely useful. Man-made light is used to light everything on earth during night but during the day he doesn’t need man-made light to do most of his activities. Thus though man has always copied God’s creation he still has a lot to achieve.

God is light infographic


From the above points one can reach the conclusion that God is light as He is part of the system that provides light to the whole universe. God made different life forms to make the earth a beautiful place to live making God the greatest designer in the universe.

Humans have also got a part of God’s personality as they also love to create new designs and other beautiful pieces of work. God also beautified everything of His creation so that no one can claim that one thing is more beautiful than the other.

However, due to man’s fallen nature he is not able to feel even other human beings to be perfect and beautiful.

Man is also able to create light but with limitations. Man’s light is not permeable like God’s and lacks in many aspects. Permeable means to go inside of anything, Take for example, when you have God’s light you will try to go deep into a situation and put the spot light on the problem and then it becomes easy to solve a problem.

A person can have God’s light when He has obtained Salvation because then he becomes a new creature in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5 :17 and so sees things from a different perspective. Thus a person transforms by God’s light whereas the light produced by a source which is not human has its deficiencies.

Frequently Asked Questions, faq’s

What is light?

Light is a form of particle named photon by scientists but it is not just energy on the contrary, it is life giving. Take for instance, light is needed by all living organisms to live comfortably otherwise to live in perpetual darkness can snuff life out of living organisms.

Why it is important to have God’s light within a person?

God's light

To have God’s light means to live in peace with everyone around you because peace is the most important thing for any person. Without peace people’s mind don’t work properly and they tend to take a lot of wrong decisions.

God’s light makes it easy for a person to maneuver life quite easily because he is able to judge right and wrong and is thus capable of taking the right decision.

Why do people find it so difficult to choose to find the right place to know the Lord?

This is because finding the right place to know the Lord is controlled by a person’s upbringing and also his desires.

Many people don’t want to be told against anything against their basic thought process because they sincerely believe in their heart that they are right so they won’t bother to check the facts by thinking deep.

Others even though may be at the right place but still don’t have any relationship with God as they don’t desire to have it as they are satisfied with their worldly life.

What does the Bible say about God is light?

Bible says that God is light in 1 John 1:5 because God is part of the system that provides light to the whole universe. God is present in the form of light which is the reason why there is life in things that have been there in the element of nature. For example, when there is a problem in the system of any kind and when people really try to go deep to find the solution of the problem then God helps them to find it. So, its the light of God or God’s light that helps to find the answer to a really difficult problem.

Why is light a symbol of God?

Light is a symbol of God because light signifies life. Without light there is no energy as light contains photon energy particles that gives energy to molecules that are present in a system. The molecules get activated when light energy falls on it thus making it filled with energy and life. So, God is part of the system that provides light to the whole universe and God is light, 1 John 1:5.

What does light symbolise?

Light symbolises that God is the creator of Light because according to Genesis 1:3, God first created light as the earth was formless and void, Genesis 1:2. So, when God’s light came over the waters then the waters got activated by the light as light contains photons and photons have energy in them which is helpful in creating life. So, God is the creator of light and is light as God permeates every sphere of life.

Video Summary

If anyone is interested in learning about how God’s light transforms a person’s life by changing his complete perspective then watch this video.

God Is Light

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