
God Made Human Beings In His Own Image

God made human beings in His own image because God wanted to commune ( 1 John 1:3) with His creation so He gave people a body that resembled His own ( Genesis 1:27 ). According to 1 John 1:3, God wants to have fellowship with people. The meaning of fellowship according to dictionary is companionship, communion and intimacy. Fellowship is possible when you commune or have communication with God.

What Extra Faculties Did God Give Humans To Commune with Him?

He loved humanity the most among all creation. He gave humans the power to think, the power to create things from a lot of other contents that are available in the planet. Thus man will be able to live comfortably on the earth.

What Caused Humans To lose Contact With God?

However, due to the influence of man’s desire to be not satisfied with whatever level of comfort he has man lost his power to think clearly and act wisely resulting in degeneration of his mental faculties. Therefore, we must understand that only those people who have been able to control their thinking

by following the way as it is given in 2 Corinthians 10 : 5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”; would be able to live in communion with God others who follow the way of the world can’t commune with Him and are thus lost.

Enoch walked in Spirit and had communion with God all the time

Enoch was a man of God and he loved the Lord very much. He walked with the Lord for 300 years and then the Lord took him away to Heaven, (Genesis 5:22-24). Since Enoch who was made in God’s own image fulfilled the desire of God by having communication with Him. Thus, Enoch became a great man of God and God trusted him with His secrets.

Why Enoch wanted to commune with God?

He walked with the Lord because he wanted to know God and be close to Him.

Did Enoch commune with God as he was made in God’s own image

Enoch like all humans was made in God’s image but he had to spend time with the Lord in Spirit so that he would have access to God all the time. Spending time with the Lord in Spirit means to communicate with God when praying by talking to God as well as waiting upon the Lord for Him to speak. It is a two-way communication.

What Is The Way To Commune Like Enoch With God?

  1. By praying to God from our heart
  2. By trusting God
  3. By loving God

1. Praying To God From Our Heart

We must be aware of the fact that when we pray we should not use meaningless words which are memorised ( Isaiah 29:13) because then we lose touch with God as our hearts are somewhere else as we pray from memory. Memorised prayers were not used by any of the Biblical prophets, Apostles and disciples.

They spoke from their heart to the Lord and didn’t hide any of their sins which included sinful thoughts and feelings thus it became easy for them to remain sinless as they revealed everything deep inside their heart to the Lord. From this we learn that we should always say our prayers from our hearts.

2. By Trusting God

We should learn to trust God by looking at the lives of men and women of God who lived in earlier times in the Bible. Their lives are a great example to help us live in communion with God. Abraham trusted God ( Hebrews 11:8 ) so much that when God asked him to sacrifice his son (Genesis 22:2), he obeyed. Noah also trusted God ( Hebrews 11:7) and he made a ship in a place that was a dry land. From this we understand that trusting God is an important aspect of communion with God.

3. By Loving God

Love the God your Lord with your whole heart, whole mind, whole soul and whole strength ( Mark 12:30)

Love Your God With Your Whole Heart

This is the commandment of Jesus which He gave to people so that they would live by this law and they can know how to love God as many people don’t have an idea about the way to love God who made them. When you love God with your whole heart then God will protect you from thinking about things that affect your heart negatively.

For example, when you are angry with someone and you want to take revenge on that person then God will send His peace into your heart after which you would no longer try to think about taking your anger on that person. However, it must be noted that you need to first forgive the person for God to work inside your heart.

Love Your God With Your Whole Mind

Then, Jesus told the people to love your God with your whole mind. It means that your mind plays an active role in loving God because ideas and thoughts are formed in mind. These ideas and thoughts should be compatible with the word of God otherwise If a person’s thought is like that of the world then there is a distance between his mind and the mind of God resulting in incompatibility between the two.

Therefore, as it is given in the Bible that you should think like God ( Philippians 2:5) because God provides for everyone regardless of them being good or bad. See how the Lord provides rain to all humanity irrespective of their works ( Matthew 5:45 )So, we must be also like that otherwise why should God bless you if we only love people who love us and hate people who hurt us. We are supposed to be like God regarding our thinking towards others.

Love Your God With Your Whole Strength

We must love God with our whole strength because strength is something that is produced more as we continue to love God. Strength is used to do things with your body, mind and soul so, as you apply your strength to love God then you will gain energy in return to do all your works effortlessly because you have given a part of your whole assembly to have love for God. This will make you stronger physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Over a period of time you will see that you are performing well in all areas of your life which will add to your success by helping you live your life to the fullest.

A good example of loving God with your whole strength is found in the book of Samuel in the Bible. Here David loved God with His whole strength thus empowering him more to fight with his enemies and also helped him to win the war against the Philistines, the Amalekites and others.

Love Your God With Your Whole Soul

Here God is telling people to love God with their whole soul because when people love with their soul then their emotions also come into play and now they become lively than ever before leading them to feel life more subtly and helping them to feel for things that they never had.

Take for instance, a person who had been having problems to feel the love of others and so couldn’t have good relations with people now finds that his emotions have changed to the degree that he himself has started to love people and have good relations with them.

This is the way things change when you love God with your whole soul.


To summarize, we can say that since God made humans in His own image so man should try to commune with Him like Enoch by praying, trusting and loving God with their whole heart, whole soul, whole mind and whole strength.

Since it is not possible to live a life without turning to God who is our maker so it is important to have communion with God so that we can live a comfortable life and be not always confused and have anxiety problems.

The Holy spirit is your spirit guide who helps you in every way by being your comforter, friend, counselor and helper. So, every person should strive to invite the Holy Spirit into their lives because He is God Himself and Jesus sent Him to all those people who believe in Him and His sacrifice on the cross.

Why did God create humans in His own image?

God created human beings to have communion with them. God wanted people to have relationship with Him out of their free will. He didn’t want people to come to Him out of obligation or as a ritual. He wanted to have a relationship that is based on love, honesty and trust.

How was Enoch able to walk in the spirit all the time?

Enoch pursued the Lord earnestly. He didn’t waste his time in worldly pursuits. He devoted his time wisely by thinking about the ways of the Lord and how to walk in His ways which pleases Him. In this way Enoch pleased God so much that God took Him without Enoch having to see death.

Is it possible to walk like Enoch in today’s times?

Absolutely!To walk like Enoch one needs to love the God the Lord with their whole heart, whole mind, whole strength and whole soul.

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God is the creator.

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